Mother of Mystery

Mother of Mystery, Womb of the Earth
I will rest in your waters awaiting my birth
— Ode to the Black Madonna

Dear Friends,

In the tradition of Creation Spirituality, the Fourth Path is the Via Negativa: The Path of Letting Go.  It’s a path that has been a good teacher during the past few months.  We talk about embracing the dark, and that’s not the way most of us think about the darkness.  It feels like a time of grief and sadness, fear and loss.   And I’ve been feeling a lot of that, with close friends experiencing loss through fire, through illness, through despair and through suicide.  And that doesn’t even count the national despair and helplessness so many of us have been feeling.

But here’s the thing:  Darkness is also the place where we all began.  In the darkness of the womb there was safely.  In the darkness of the “cave”, dreams and visions happen.  Out of the darkness we emerge to share our prophetic voices….to speak truth to power.  We let go of anything that stands in the way of peace and truth and love. 

In that tradition, may the darkness help your candle burn even brighter.  May you swim in the dark waters of the womb to emerge, knowing how much you are loved.


 “On this cold winter's night let us seek out the light

May our hearts be warmed by each other tonight”

-A Winter Round